Forum Rules

The goal of this forum is to be an open space for people within hospitality to come together, for advice and support with a range of situations.  As with all discussion areas, we have to have some basic ground rules to protect members, their workplaces and their guests.  So:

  • No derogatory language - swearing is allowed (we mostly all do it) but no language is permitted that targets race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion.  Yes, this does also mean promotion of them too.  Whilst we respect freedoms of each and every individual, this is not a place for deep political or ethical debates to occur.
  • No personal information. Okay this is REALLY important.  The forum is designed to offer advice and support, but personal information is not permitted to be posted such as hotel names, staff names or guest names. Where these are needed for narrative or explaining, please anonymise with 'Person A' or similar.  We will never ask you to give us personal information or use your information for anything other than basic contact regarding the forum and posts that you have subscribed to.
  • Advertising is permitted, within reason. This means that any advertising should not be 'cold'.  To clarify, any advertising of services must be in response to a request; boards or posts created for the purpose of advertising are not permitted except for within the allocated boards and forums.  Advertising links are permitted within forum signatures.  Bascially this is not a site for advertising except when it is relevant to a discussion - we are not an advertising channel!
  • Respect.  It realy is simple. Respect other members and their views - debate is encouraged; berating and targeting someone is not.  We have all been through some really tough times but each pesron has their own views, please respect those.

If you post something that is in breach of the rules, the moderators of the site may remove your post or ask for it to be resubmitted with any relevant parts removed or altered.  Admins/Moderators will highlight any such content to you.  Members who repeatedly break the forum rules will be removed and blocked from accessing the site.